

R&D イノベーションサミット2024「研究開発におけるAIの大規模活用に向けて – デジタル環境で勝ち残る研究開発組織への変革」開催レポート

7月 9, 2024

去る2024年5月30日に、近年注目のAIの大規模活用をテーマに、エンソート主催のプライベートイベントがミッドタウン日比谷6FのBASE Qで開催されました。

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科学研究開発リーダーが知っておくべき AI 概念トップ 10

4月 29, 2024


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6月 11, 2023

OpenAIのChatGPTやGoogleのBardなど、大規模言語モデル(LLM)は自然言語で人と対話する能力において著しい進歩を遂げました。 ユーザーが言葉で要望を入力すれば、LLMは「理解」し、適切な回答を返してくれます。

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4月 24, 2024


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Enthought at ACS 2023 Fall Meeting

Top 5 Takeaways from the American Chemical Society (ACS) 2023 Fall Meeting: R&D Data, Generative AI and More

8月 29, 2023

By Mike Heiber, Ph.D., Director, Professional Services & Customer Success, Materials Informatics The Ameri…

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Enthought | Generative AI in Materials Science and Chemistry

From Data to Discovery: Exploring the Potential of Generative Models in Materials Informatics Solutions

6月 30, 2023

Generative models can be used in many more areas than just language generation, with one particularly promising area: molecule generation for chemical product development.

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The Importance of Large Language Models in Science Even If You Don’t Work With Language

6月 11, 2023

OpenAI’s ChatGPT, Google’s Bard, and other similar Large Language Models (LLMs) have made dramatic strides in their ability to interact with people using natural language. Users can describe what they want done and have the LLM “understand” and respond appropriately. 

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Enthought | Pharma and BioPharma

Leveraging AI in Cell Culture Analysis

3月 22, 2023

Mammalian cell culture is a fundamental tool for many discoveries, innovations, and products in the life sciences.

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Enthought | Scientific Data

Extracting Value from Scientific Data to Accelerate Discovery and Innovation

2月 1, 2023

In the digital era, robust data tools are crucial for all companies and the science-driven industries like the life sciences, materials science, and chemistry are no exception.

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Giving Visibility to Renewable Energy

10月 6, 2021

The ultimate project goal of EnergizAIR Infrastructure was to raise individual awareness of the contribution o…

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